66 Retirement Village Lockers for Real Living - Remuera Gardens


Another successful retirement village project delivered....and installed!

The Shed Shop team is excited to have recently completed another successful retirement village project - this time 66 bespoke shed lockers for Real Living - Remuera Gardens.



Maximising Storage Space

We worked closely with the team at Real Living to deliver a solution that would maximise storage, whilst remaining within fire code compliance thresholds. We also ensured great operational flexibility, by making every locker easy to move - something they had not enjoyed in the past.

Tailored to fit

Pillars, AC ducting and other fixed obstacles, were no issue for our team. We simply tailored the shed lockers in those areas to best fit the available space, ensuring no-one missed out on valuable additional storage space.


After-Sales Care

One of the things the team at Real Living love the most about working with The Shed Shop, is our market-leading after-sales care.  This includes timely repairs and / or replacement of damaged sheds, and the addition of extra customisation like shelving.  Accidents happen, especially in carpark areas, so we are only too happy to revist our clients sites and make running reapirs as needed. 

Custom-built Shed Lockers to suit your space

If you are after high-quality, custom-built, delivered and installed shed lockers for your property, The Shed Shop is ready to help.  Our shed solutions are build to last, and our service is the best in the business.  So contact us today, and we can arrange a time to catch up and discuss your specific needs.