Roof Types

The Shed Shop offers a variety of roof types for your garden shed:

Flat Roof, Gable Roof, Custom Mono-Pitch Roof, and Custom Overhang Roof.


Flat Roof

For sheds that are 1.6m wide or less, a Flat Roof is standard. This roof type has 20mm of fall across the shed width. If you would like a flat roof on a steel shed wider than 1.6m, a special low-profile steel beam is required to support the roof across the span.

Depending on the environment where the shed is to be located, we may recommend that you move to a custom mono-pitch roof. For example, on a nice clear site with no overhead trees we would let the shed go to 1800mm wide with only 20mm of fall, but after that we would advise manually cutting 100mm of fall. If there were overhead trees in the area, particularly messy trees, than even at 1800mm we would recommend a manual cut and mono-pitch to ensure there is enough slope and you don’t get a build up of debris.  


Gable Roof

For sheds that are greater than 1.6m in width, a Gable Roof is standard. However, we can make Gable rooflines for sheds as small as 1.5m in width. A Gable Roof is beneficial to give the shed additional internal height and headroom, giving a much greater sense of space and making it more comfortable to work in. The external height of a gable is 260mm above wall height and has a timber beam that is generally 140mmx45mm or 190mmx45mm depending on the size of your shed. 


Mono-Pitch Roof

As a custom option, if you decide to have a Mono-Pitch Roof, you can choose the slope or fall across your shed. Mono-Pitch rooflines are a great solution if you have a wide shed but don’t want a gable roof, or if you’d like the shed to tie in with an adjacent building or home. In general, the wider the shed, the greater the fall required. This requires manual cutting of the side wall sheets. We can make Mono-Pitch rooflines for sheds wider than 2.4m by externally sourcing long-run steel.


Overhang Roof

An increasingly popular option for shed roofs is a custom overhang at the front of the shed. This can help provide a layer of protection for the open shed from poor weather, or from the harsh sun in summer. Great for workshops, gardening grottos, and for any instance where your precious shed contents need to be kept out of the elements!  As this is a custom option, you can work with us to ensure your overhang roof ticks all your boxes.


For more information:

Download our Pre-Painted Steel Shed Price Guide (PDF)
Download our Timber Clad Shed Price Guide (PDF)

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