Mobility Scooter Storage - Looking after a lifeline
For many older people their mobility scooter is their lifeline. They are key for them to continue living an independent lifestyle and because of this factor they need to be stored safely. Where to store these necessities is a problem for many residents and owners of retirement villages.
A solution for retirement villages looking for mobility scooter storage is to provide a shed that is constructed like a carport, where you can store multiple scooters all under the one roof. The scooters can then be locked into place with the right sized padlock or even monitored by security cameras. In this type of storage facility the scooter and its components, like the battery and control panel, will have protection from bad weather. This is a must to keep them maintained and in tip-top running order.
This three-sided customised shed with one side completely open, works similar to a bike shed you see at local schools. If necessary, retirement villages can easily allocate mobility scooter storage space to their residents and no one has to miss out or try and cram their mobility scooters into their units. They can be located close to all units for easy access. Having to park a scooter in a unit takes up valuable space. Having to park a scooter in the unit can also create wear and tear on flooring and carpet, and dirty carpets and flooring.
Mobility scooter storage for retirement villages is a quick affordable fix with customised sheds, providing safe and protective storage.